Ps of Revenue Management Archives - Revnomix

Ps of Revenue Management

4 Ps of Revenue Management – Performance
Revenue Management is a technique to optimize income revenue from a fixed, but perishable inventory. The challenge is to sell the right rooms to the right customer at the right time for the right price. So far we have discussed the key factors of
4 Ps of Revenue Management – Pace
We have discussed they key elements of Pricing and Positio
4 Ps of Revenue Management – Pricing
The concept of revenue management involves using analytics to predict consumer behaviour and sell the right product/service at the right price at the right time via the right channel to maximize revenue growth. Similar to the concept of the 7Ps of Marketing Mix, there are 4 key elements of revenue m
4 Ps of Revenue Management – Positioning
In the first part of our 4 part blog series on the key elements of Revenue Management, we had focused on the element of pricing. Pricing is not only the deciding factor for Performance and Profitability but also for determining the value of an asset. Accurately pricing a hotel room based on demand c